From Here To Ara Damansara
The Estimated Driving Distance from 43100 Hulu Langat to Ara Damansara Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia 1456 miles or 2343 km The Estimated Driving Time from 43100 Hulu Langat to Ara Damansara Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia is 00 hrs 43 mins Fuel cost for a car that averaged 40 MPG over the route using fuel that cost 130 per litre. 2 - 3 bedrooms from RM502k. Double A Cafe Pacific Place Ara Damansara Pacific Place Ara Damansara Places Welcome to Ara Damansara Medical Centre Part of Ramsay Sime. From here to ara damansara . LRT Kelana Jaya Line. It stops nearby at 604 AM. Take the LRT from KL Sentral to Ara Damansara 49 min RM 4 - RM 9 3 alternative options LRT bus Take the LRT from Sentul to Masjid Jamek Take the bus from Kotaraya KL to Asia Jaya Take the LRT from Asia Jaya to Ara Damansara 1h 7m Taxi Take a taxi from Sentul Komuter Station to Ara Damansara LRT Station 17 min RM 35 - RM 50 Drive. The station has an entrance from the. There are 4 ways to get from Ampang to ...